Managing your customers

How to collect payments via text

December 29, 2022
2 min
The ability to collect payments via text (SMS, WhatsApp, social media) can benefit your business on a number of levels. Let's see why and how!
How to collect payments via text

Do you find yourself constantly having to chase customers for bank transfers? Does your credit card machine always stop working when it shouldn't? If so, payments that can be collected by sending a link in a text message might be the solution to your problems.

How does it work?

With Fuzey you can easily generate a payment link that can be shared with your customers right after the job has been completed. Because Fuzey is a multi-channel inbox, you can send the payment link on whatever channel you've been communicating with your customers on: SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, email...

What happens next? The payment link gives your customers the option to choose whether to pay you via credit card or bank transfer. If they pick credit card, they'll pay you via Stripe. If they pick bank, they'll be prompted to complete a bank transfer through their mobile banking app.

This seemingly simple proposition solves a number of problems that local business owners face. Let's see them all below.

Increasing your odds of getting paid right away

Sending a payment link right after the job has been completed increases your odds of getting paid right away. Automated reminders can also be set-up to nudge your customers should they forget to pay, and you can have them automatically send every few days until the payment is complete.

Keep everything in one place

A solution like Fuzey allows you to send said payment links on whichever platform you're already using to communicate with your customers: SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, email... This means you already know their details are correct on that platform, and they should be reachable on it. No more switching between WhatsApp and email. Keep the entire customer journey on the same platform, the one where your customers are most responsive.

No more credit card machine issues

A payment link saves you from bringing a credit card machine wherever you go. You'll never have the issue of running out of battery, or lacking the required internet connection to use it.

Once they click on the payment link, your customers will be asked to choose their preferred payment method, and if they pick card they'll be able to pay you via Stripe, with pretty low fees on your end compared to standard credit card machines.

You can learn more about payment fees and what they mean for businesses like yours watching our on-demand webinar!

No more awkward phone calls and endless chasing

A payment link saves you from awkwardly chasing people to complete that bank transfer days (or weeks!) after you've completed your job. It also helps you avoid situations where the customer misspells your business name or account number, which can delay your payment even further.

Once they click on the payment link, if your customers pick Pay with Bank they will be prompted to select their bank from a list. They will then be redirected to the bank's mobile banking app to approve a transaction that already contains the correct business details and the right payment amount. No possible errors, no delays.

Read more about why local businesses should stay away from old-school bank transfers in this blog post.

Pay via text sounds pretty simple, right?

Our users seem to think so. You can hear it from Lloyd, an experienced locksmith based in East London who used to think getting paid was a nightmare, and now boasts a smooth customer and payment experience his customers love.

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