
Easily manage your customers across SMS, WhatsApp, social media, and more

Fuzey is a multi-channel communication hub designed for locksmiths to build stronger relationships with their customers.

Never miss a lead

Don't limit the channels that your customers can reach you on. Never miss a lead across social media, WhatsApp, SMS, calls and email – all from one inbox

Get paid faster

95% of texts are read within 15 minutes. Get paid quickly with a text - and ensure you never need to chase down an invoice again

Boost your reviews with a click

Request a review right after completing a service to get the five stars you’ve earned.

Locksmiths find more time with Fuzey

More organised, less stressed: Locksmiths too often feel that they chase their tails trying to get back to customers. Remembering where and when a customer messages has always been a constant pain. Fuzey can help!
faster response times
of locksmiths
would recommend
increase in reviews

What locksmiths have to say about using Fuzey

“It’s hard to be responsive while on the tools. With Fuzey, I can send a qualification template to customers with a touch of a button - and when I get a chance to look at my messages I know whether this customer is right for my business”
Danesh, Director
“Customers kept switching between channels and it was frustrating trying to find a message they had sent me months before when I quoted the job. Fuzey has saved me hours each day just by having all of my customer comms in one place. Game changer”
Jose, Manager
“Initially, I didn't think I would use Fuzey for payments, but it's so easy for my customers to pay me via WhatsApp. They love it and I look professional. It also connects with Xero and saves my accountant time so it’s a win-win”
Lloyd, Owner
“As the owner of the business, I used to get messages non-stop across multiple channels, but my team could only help with email. Now we have all our channels in a shared inbox and I can share the resposibility! This coordination has helped massively”
Mike, Founder & Director

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