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WhatsApp Newsletters explained

December 29, 2022
2 min
A quick guide to WhatsApp Newsletters: what they are and how to use them.
WhatsApp Newsletters explained

What is a WhatsApp Newsletter?

A WhatsApp newsletter is a broadcast message that a local business distributes to its WhatsApp opt-in contact list. In essence, it's a digital newsletter that is hyper-personalized. A WhatsApp newsletter can include - new product announcements, special offers, discounts, images and videos, and you can program them to display a 'reply' button or a CTA button to direct the user back to your website.

Although WhatsApp Newsletters are more personal, timely, and engaging, they shouldn't replace other digital marketing methods. A local business can use email marketing for frequent messaging, SMS text triggers as reminders for abandoned carts and subscription payments and WhatsApp messages for less frequent, highly targeted messaging aimed at generating sales.

WhatsApp Newsletter or Email Newsletter

It has increasingly become the norm for Gmail and other email providers to route promotional emails to the spam or promotions folders, which most people rarely look at. A WhatsApp message open rate is a whopping 98% compared to 20% for emails, and the click-through rate is 36% compared to 6% for emails. It's equally fantastic that WhatsApp doesn't have a spam folder!

Use cases for your next WhatsApp Newsletter

WhatsApp marketing can empower you to leverage targeted marketing efforts and provide exceptional customer service. WhatsApp Newsletters are a fantastic tool for local businesses to broadcast messages in an engaging and compelling way, and they can be used in a variety of ways to accomplish different business objectives.

Here are a few ideas:

  • new product launches
  • sales promotion campaigns
  • feedback surveys
  • personalised offers for special occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, and seasonal promotions.

As a local business, Whatsapp Newsletters are the perfect solution to build and maintain trust with your clients and increase conversions. It provides the momentum you need to reach your customers quickly, effectively, and in real-time.

Compliance checklist: getting customers to sign up for your WhatsApp Newsletters

The first thing customers need to do to subscribe to WhatsApp Newsletters is to opt-in via a CTA button or scan a QR code on your website, email or social media. By signing up for WhatsApp Business messages, your local business can become aware that customers are interested in your product or service. After that, you can ask them to opt-in to receive your WhatsApp Newsletter and take advantage of your promotions.

Do WhatsApp Newsletters comply with GDPR?

Yes, absolutely! Especially if you automate your WhatsApp message flow to collect double opt-ins for your newsletter. Once a customer signs up for your WhatsApp messages, you can trigger them to sign up for your WhatsApp Newsletters. From there you can begin leveraging the perfect marketing outreach tool to build and segment the right audience for your campaigns. Don't forget to offer your subscribers a clear way to opt-out at any time!

To learn more about how to stay GDPR compliant while marketing via WhatsApp, check out this article!

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